Garden Porn!

My tongue is hanging out and I’m exhausted. After weeks of licking my lips over the Burpee and Park’s seed catalogs, fantasizing over their color photos of Jumbo This and Giant That, dogearing the pages with my favorites, and then freezing up the computer with 25 pages (more color photos! OMG!) Read more…


That banging sound you’ve been hearing is undoubtedly my head slamming against the wall. My computer finally crashed & burned last week, something it’s been threatening to do for awhile now, and this time it knocked me for a loop, disappearing (temporarily, I hope…) 8 years of business email addresses Read more…

Happy New Decade!

New year, new snow! As I write this, the Pocahontas RR is chugging by the Elkhorn Inn- again! It’s been a fab few days for railfans since New Year’s, with almost non-stop trains and pushers going by! It’s also been Wicked Cold here lately- at the moment it’s a “brisk” Read more…


Today Chef Dan made his magnificent fresh-oregano-stuffed turkey, with an incredibly crispy herb-and-smoked-sea-salt rubbed skin, and we had it with “Saffire”, a crisp, dry white wine from our trip to AmRhein Winery in Virginia earlier this year, and it was wonderful! With it we had our garden-grown potatoes, mashed with Read more…